Comic Con 2023 - New Delhi

Brand Showcase at the Prestigious Pop Culture Event’s 10th Anniversary

Location : NSIC Grounds OKHLA, New Delhi
Timeline : Dec 2023

Event : Proud to be showcasing our complete collection at the largest comic convention in India, Comic Con 2023 which celebrated its 10th Anniversary in style.

Concept : Featured amongst top pop culture brands that set up shop at this one of a kind exhibition which included all genres of art including comics, graphic design, gaming etc.The event focused on promoting creative brands with unique and eclectic products that up the quirk for the patrons.

Experience : The event focused on pop culture, graphics, design and art in all its varied forms and we at Boxyfont were thrilled to be part of this prestigious event. It helped us reach out to the younger generation + corporates and tap into their preferences. A great platform to meet our patrons and provide brand insight into our studio’s creative work.





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